PS4 PS4 controller won't connect

Same problem for me, but it's whenever I set it on my lap or even put my hand between the controller and console, but it only started it this year.

It's not my controller, it's my console, because I can connect to a PC just fine, no unresponsiveness.
  2. Nothing worked
  3. Advice: Don't let your controller die while your PS4 is on.
  4. My PS4 is a paper weight now.
  5. SONY PlayStation & friends are very happy, I'm sure, now they can make more money because of their console's systemic obsolescence... or is it programmed? Regardless, it certainly is planned obsolescence. I'm convinced after going in circles with them for months on end.
  6. Contrary to the title of this video, I believe that man to be sane, a hero, prophetic even, knowing that one day soon... the PS4 will not work anymore.
Hey there

@Big Homie Josh, I recently just cleaned my ps4 completely, put it all back together. I had a problem similar to you where my controller would charge but wouldn't connect. However I found a solution that may work. I took of the bottom casing off where the metal plate covers the motherboard and found that one of the antenna cables was disconnected. This cable is located at the front of the PS4 Pro near the USB ports, which is why they weren't connecting. After I reconnected it both my controllers connected instantly.

Hope this helps!

Hey Guys, I am looking for some help. Here is my post, please reply if you have a better options to reduce pain in the fingers using the controller in PS4.

Disconnect the controllers, shutdown the PS4, unplug ps4 from the socket, wait 30secs. reconnect power, switch on PS4, try reconnecting controllers.
so, I dont even care about the playstation. i just want to use my expensive arse controllers on my expensive arse macbook pro to play stuff in my wasted pile of money Steam library. The f-ing things just shut off without me telling them to. Bluetooth? No problem! Then OFF! USB? We do that! (spoiler alert: they just shut themselves off...)

It looks like Sony has added some sort of vendor lock-in detection to prevent these things from charging when not directly connected to the PS4. Pretty stupid that ou cant use a hub if you have 4 of them like I do. You didn't even include 4 ports on the damn console! Im guessing because to do that you would have to use this thing that EVerY COMPUTEr SYSTEM IN THE WORLD USeS CALLED A USB HUB on the PCI devices. You literally sabotaged our own hardware just to push people around so they had to buy more of your gear, which also doesn't work. SMDH

Plug into a USB charger block? Nope! PSN account? It'll take us a week to email you the reset link, if it ever comes. By the time you see it we will have expired it though.

...and honestly and truly, I don't even really believe the PS5 ever came out. There arent any games for it anywhere, nobody I know has even ever seen on IRL, and when I look at the dimensions it looks like Sony just put a new case on the PS4 and called it PS5.

Pretty sure this is all a conspiracy. I wish XBox controllers didn't feel like holding the wheel of a wheelchair. Nintendo's stuff is so weird I don't even know how to use half of it anymore. Can I just use the damn equipment I bought from you Sony? I mean, it is mine after all. Its not even new, and you don't own it anyway. This type of dumbassery is how companies with awesome products kill themselves off. I gotta pay $80+ for a controller with USB and Bluetooth, bu USB and Bluetooth dont work. Meanwhile a $20 piece of Chinese junk handles the job just fine.
