HELP! No sound through headset mic, ps4 knows it's there


New member
Mar 12, 2025

1st time poster. I have been using a headset with attached mic (plugged into my controller) to chat with my friends while we play (using the "party" function on the PS menu). I have been doing it for years. A couple nights ago (3/10/2025), while chatting with a friend (we were playing different games, but both in the same "party" chat on the ps network), my microphone stopped working. I had no idea until they started to say and repeat "Hello?" even after I would respond, telling them I was still there. Anyway, I have swapped out the headset for a new one (that I tested on my computer and know the microphone works), swapped the controller for a new one, and even tried different usb cables into both usb ports, as well as connecting the controller via bluetooth. I also checked all the online info, made sure my system settings are where they're supposed to be, made sure my input/output sources were correct, and made sure nothing is set to be muted. Still, I get no sound through the mic. Even when I set the mic level to maximum, no sound comes through when I speak. I hear everything through the headphones, and the PS4 says it's using the mic as the source, but there is no audio going through. Has anyone experienced this? Has anybody else tried everything that all the online info says to try and still had it not work? I'm at a loss to understand why this is happening or how to fix it. Especially when it happened seemingly from nowhere... my friend and I were chatting as normal one second, the next, my mic wasn't working. The one thing I haven't tried is the factory reset. Has doing a factory reset worked for anyone who has had this issue? Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'd love to hear any suggestions, other than the normal, go-to standard solutions, as I've already tried all those.
I have also made sure that there are no outstanding/uninstalled updates to the system.
Check the headphone socket for any dust or debris inside. It might not be making contact with the microphone segment of the jack. The fact that it’s affecting all headsets & all controllers could point to a hardware problem between the controller & PS.
Have you tested the Mic on the PS4? I’m sure there’s a test function.