Games with egyptian aesthetics?


New member
Dec 4, 2024
Hi guys! Do you know of any games with ancient Egyptian aesthetics? Like Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris or Aarupolis by Tom Horn Gaming? I play the second one because of the slot expert DiceGirl Egle. I also love the game Ankh, the first version is very nostalgic, and the best for me is Ankh 3, Any recommendations for other similar games? I´ll really appreciate that information. Have a nice day! ;)
Assassins Creed Origins is set in Egypt while under the Roman occupation so you see all the temples & the Pyramids & enter many.
There’s also the Discovery Tour in the DLC which is more of a informational ‘see the sites’ & their story segment.
If you want to go retro, try Tomb Raider IV Revelations. It's got great atmosphere and is quite challenging. Most of the game is centered around defeating Set, and has a heavy ancient Egyptian tomb setting. There is a little bit of Greek, and the tutorial level(s) start in Cambodia, but the rest is sort of a weird mix of "modern" and post-turn of the last century Egyptomania/The Mummy.