Did the PS3 always run THIS bad?


New member
Jun 3, 2021
So I found my old family PS3. The 3 games I’ve been playing most are Battlefield 3, Infamous, and GTA IV. BF3 seems to be the most stable when it comes to frame rate, regardless it has hitches and chugs, especially while sprinting or in combat. Infamous is worse. It has a pretty shoddy draw distance and usually gets around 20-30FPS. Even while I’m traversing and get a “stable 30” it still feels hitchy due to the frame pacing, especially while turning the camera fast.

I think GTA IV is the worst in terms of performance. Basically drops constantly and only seems to hold a stable 30 in cutscenes and certain indoor environments. Driving fast can get a little slideshow-ish. I initially thought my HDD was dying but it’s making no odd noises nor has my games crashed once. In fact I also feel like the loading times were actually the one thing that was better than I remembered
No, What Happened Is That When The Video Game MAG Came Out,
Which Was Shortly Right Before I Think The PlayStation Outtage On
The PlayStation 3 Back In 2010 Or Whatever...

What Happened Was, Sony Produced A Powerful Upgrade For The
Video Game To Run On A New Internet Update That Made The Game
Run Very Well On The Network, Because The Game Wouldn't Run
Without The Update, Simply, Because The Console Wasn't Powerful
Enough To Handle It At The Time It Was Coming Out...

They Basically Hooked The PlayStation 3 Up To Comercial Airline
Airplane Jet Engines, I Guess To Power This, I Dunno...

Anyways, The End Result Was A Success For The MAG Game,
However The Rest Of The PlayStation Network Experience,
Including Your XMB Media Bar Screen, & The Overall Store
Experiences Have All Suffered Over This Update As A Long
Term Effect Moving Forwards...

They Weren't Met With Updates To Compensate For
The New Experiences With The Internet Update For
The Overall Game, Instead They Were Left In Their
More Older Dated Appearance States...

The PlayStation Store Runs Sluggish Now,
The XMB Media Bar Runs Laggish As Well,
But Most If Not Majority Of These Problems
Are Not Very Noticable, Unless Of Course
Your Entering The PlayStation Store, It's Quite
Atrociously Bad In There, ~_~

More So, The MAG Game Has Long Been Shut Down By Now,
& The Internet Update Service Is Still In Effect With The Console...

But Hey, The MAG Game Was Liked By A Whole Lot Of People,
Soooooo, Maybe It Was Worth It At The Time It Happened, No??